
  • TOGA


max. 700 cm width & max. 400 cm drop-out length


relax­ation for sunlovers

The Toga awning pro­vides shade and is an attrac­tive design ele­ment in one. The ele­gant sleeve con­struc­tion not only looks good; it also offers clear func­tion­al advan­tages: both the awning fab­ric and the mech­a­nism are large­ly pro­tect­ed from envi­ron­men­tal influ­ences by the sleeve with inte­grat­ed shells made of spe­cial plas­tic. No mat­ter which vari­ant you pre­fer, Toga is the attrac­tive alter­na­tive to the open hinged arm awning with pro­tec­tive roof. State-of-the-art awning tech­nol­o­gy and uncom­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty guar­an­tee the stan­dard you right­ly expect from a top-qual­i­­ty prod­uct. Enjoy the most beau­ti­ful sides of the sum­mer — under a toga awning from Angstrom VOSS, which is avail­able in the fol­low­ing two versions.


  • width one-piece up to 700 cm (cou­pling possible)
  • pro­jec­tion to 400 cm
  • Secu­flex® 70 arms with sheathed 3‑fold ropes
  • arm bear­ing with eccen­tric adjust­ment and auto­mat­ic wind blow protection
  • safe cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion through pow­der coating
  • ask your spe­cial­ist deal­er about the selec­tion of attrac­tive awning fabrics
  • stan­dard col­ors RAL 9010 white, RAL 9006 sil­ver and anthracite grey DB 703


  • two-piece brack­ets for easy installation
  • elec­tric drive
  • a vario valance with crank con­trol or a drop bar with alu­minum cover
  • spe­cial col­ors accord­ing to RAL palette on request


The heart of the Toga & Toga Lit­tleBig awnings are the fold­ing arms of the Secu­flex® gen­er­a­tion. These arms are equipped as stan­dard with plas­tic-coat­ed triple steel cables, which guar­an­tee an extreme­ly long ser­vice life. Up to two indi­vid­u­al­ly sus­pend­ed springs in the fold­ing arms ensure max­i­mum clamp­ing force. Ful­ly extend­ed, the mid­dle joint is almost closed.



resis­tant to every ray of sunlight

The tighter the con­di­tions on your bal­cony, log­gia or ter­race, the greater the demands on the flex­i­bil­i­ty of an awning.

Where oth­er sys­tems fail, the Toga-Lit­tleBig adapts per­fect­ly to the con­di­tions. Thanks to the spe­cial arrange­ment of the fold­ing arms, the open fold­ing arm awning enables an extreme­ly large pro­jec­tion with a min­i­mum con­struc­tion width.

Just like all Angstrom VOSS prod­ucts, this one is also first-class man­u­fac­tured and offers you a great deal of lux­u­ry for your per­son­al qual­i­ty of life. Your sun pro­tec­tion from Angstrom VOSS for the small­est ter­races, log­gias and balconies.


  • pro­jec­tion to 400 cm (depend­ing on the width of the awning)
  • Secu­flex® 70ll arms
  • arm bear­ing with eccen­tric adjust­ment and auto­mat­ic wind blow protection
  • safe cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion through pow­der coating
  • con­nect­ing parts made of stain­less steel (as far as tech­ni­cal­ly possible)
  • ask your spe­cial­ist deal­er about the selec­tion of attrac­tive awning fabrics
  • Stan­dard col­ors RAL 9010 white, RAL 9006 sil­ver and anthracite grey DB 703



  • elec­tric dri­ve or fabric
  • auto­mat­ic sun and wind control
  • spe­cial col­ors accord­ing to RAL palette on request



Ver­ti­cal shad­ing — Ide­al for low sunlight

The ide­al solu­tion if you notice after installing the awning that the shad­ow cast is not as desired or sim­ply too lit­tle due to low sunlight.


  • pro­jec­tion with gear: max. 225 cm (sewn fabric)
  • pro­jec­tion with motor: max. 175 cm (sewn fabric)
  • max. 700 cm width
  • Gear­box inside
  • ask your spe­cial­ist deal­er for the selec­tion of attrac­tive awning fabrics
  • colours: white, sil­ver, anthracite


  • Elec­tric dri­ve or fabric
  • Sun and wind automatics
  • Spe­cial colours accord­ing to RAL palette on request