tex­tile print­ing on awning cloth and flounce


Your awning is your per­son­al eye-catch­er for your pre­sen­ta­tion to the out­side world. With your per­son­al­ized print and, for exam­ple, the pre­sen­ta­tion of your logo on the indi­vid­ual flounce and the awning cloth, you draw all the atten­tion to your company.

The cus­tomers of your gas­tron­o­my or in the retail trade are pro­tect­ed by an awning against strong sun­beams as well as against rain. In retail, your prod­ucts, whether posi­tioned in front of your store or in the shop win­dow, can be pro­tect­ed from dam­age and aging by using your new awning.

Your awning and match­ing valance com­bine sup­port and pro­tec­tion of clients and products.