At Angstrom Voss GmbH, we have been giv­ing our best for more than six­ty years to pro­duce for you all kinds of grav­i­ty and die cast parts with excel­lent properties.

At our plant in Finnen­trop, our 40 expe­ri­enced employ­ees ensure the acknowl­edged high qual­i­ty of all pro­duc­tion steps and castings.

Our deliv­ery pro­gram encom­pass­es all types of com­po­nents, from raw cast­ings and machined parts to com­plete assem­blies. With ready-for-assem­bly solu­tions we are able to offer you just-in-time deliveries.

It is increas­ing­ly essen­tial for us to pay atten­tion to our envi­ron­ment and our world. There­fore offer­ing mate­ri­als that are one hun­dred per­cent recy­clable is mandatory.

Our pas­sion and love for the project, the detail and the envi­ron­ment are reflect­ed in our enter­prise and our products.









We con­stant­ly keep enhanc­ing and improv­ing our machine park.

On 1st August 2017 US based Angstrom Auto­mo­tive Group takes over Paul Voss GmbH &Co. KG. Under the new com­pa­ny name Angstrom Voss GmbH, the expe­ri­enced work­force, loy­al cus­tomer base and reli­able sup­pli­ers are being sus­tained and fur­ther devel­oped with abreath of fresh air.

Sig­nif­i­cant tech­ni­cal and per­son­nel devel­op­ments take place in 2006/07. In addi­tion to grav­i­ty die cast­ing and the man­u­fac­ture of sun pro­tec­tion sys­tems, high pres­sure die cast­ing and sub­se­quent CNC machin­ing are now being includ­ed in the pro­duc­tion program.

Since this year, also for you we are the right choice in the field of sun pro­tec­tion sys­tems. The nec­es­sary spa­tial exten­sions are being achieved by relo­cat­ing the entire com­pa­ny to Biggestrasse.

From 1960 onwards, first major changes and fur­ther devel­op­ments take place in our com­pa­ny: the first cast­ing fur­nace marks the start of grav­i­ty die cast­ing of alu­minum. Ever since, pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties haves been con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­oped further.

Today’s Angstrom Voss GmbH, has exist­ed for more than 60 years and has always been are­li­able part­ner at your side. In 1957, Paul Voss found­ed the com­pa­nyin Finnen­trop. In the begin­ning, our com­pa­ny, today acer­ti­fied spe­cial­ist for high pres­sure­and grav­i­ty die cast­ing, man­u­fac­tured wire products.