Unisol ECO build­ing kit


  • ECO


max. 600 cm width & max. 300 cm drop-out length


the eas­i­est way to enjoy the sun

The ECO awning is an attrac­tive entry-lev­­el mod­el. A price-con­s­cious, open fold­ing arm awning for all those who do not want to spend a for­tune. With the Eco, the focus has been ful­ly on func­tion­al­i­ty. Safe cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion, sophis­ti­cat­ed mate­ri­als and sol­id work­man­ship ensure that the Eco not only lasts for years, but also looks out­stand­ing. For pro­tec­tion against wind and weath­er, you can option­al­ly equip the Eco with an awning roof. No mat­ter where you want to install, the Eco offers mount­ing brack­ets for the wall, ceil­ing and rafter.


  • max­i­mum frame width 600 cm
  • loss up to 300 cm possible
  • rigid ECO arm bear­ing with incli­na­tion adjustment
  • safe cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion through pow­der coating
  • con­nect­ing parts made of stain­less steel (as far as tech­ni­cal­ly possible)
  • ask your spe­cial­ist deal­er about the selec­tion of attrac­tive awning fabrics
  • RAL 9010 white


  • shape­ly awning roof with side panels
  • elec­tric dri­ve or radio unit
  • auto­mat­ic sun and wind control


The heart of the ECO awnings are the fold­ing arms of the Secu­flex® gen­er­a­tion. These arms are equipped as stan­dard with plas­tic-coat­ed dou­ble steel cables, which guar­an­tee an extreme­ly long ser­vice life. Up to two indi­vid­u­al­ly sus­pend­ed springs in the fold­ing arms ensure max­i­mum clamp­ing force.